Howard Zinn Audio Books

Howard Zinn (1922–2010) was a historian, playwright, and activist. He wrote the classic A People’s History of the United States, which has sold more than two million copies and has been featured on The Sopranos, The Simpsons, and in the film Good Will Hunting. In 2009, History aired The People Speak, an acclaimed documentary codirected by Zinn, based on A People’s History and a companion volume, Voices of a People’s History of the United States. Zinn also wrote many other books, including an autobiography titled You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train, the play Marx in Soho, and Passionate Declarations. He received the Lannan Foundation Literary Award for Nonfiction and the Eugene V. Debs award for his writing and political activism.

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Extended Sample A People's History of the United States (abridged) by Howard Zinn
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